Event Agenda

October 25

Visit of projects and companies: Oradea region

1. Tourism

08:45 – Meeting & Start – Unirii Square Oradea

09:00 – Visit Oradea Citadel (rehabilitated area and bastion under rehabilitation)

10:15 – Departure to Unirii Square (visit the City Hall + Art Nouveau Museum + Sion Synagogue + Achvas Rhein)

11:30 – Museum of Freemasonry

12:00 – Crișurilor Country Museum (Restricted tour and explanations)

13:00 – Visit of the Palace and Baroque Complex

14:00 – Lunch

2. Energy and Sustainability

08:45 – Meeting & Start – Unirii Square Oradea

09:00 – New district heating plant Oradea

10:30 – Visit of the CET ash heap

11:30 – Polyvalent Geothermal Power Plant

12:30 – Nufărul Geothermal Power Plant

13:15 – Geothermal drilling Salca

14:00 – Lunch

3. Economic development

08:45 – Meeting & Start – Unirii Square Oradea

09:00 – Visit Eurobusiness Industrial Park 1 (visit Plexus and Faist companies)

11:30 – Visit Intermodal Terminal

               *travel on express road to University area

12:30 – Dual Vocational Campus

13:30 – Technological Science Park

14:30 – Cargo Terminal

15:30 – Visit Nokian Company

16:30 – Hotel

4. Quality of life, urban regeneration

08:45 – Meeting & Start – Unirii Square Oradea

09:00 – Union Square, Vasile Alecsandri

10:00 – Aurel Lazăr Street

10:45 – Dunării Street (project in preparation) plus the courtyard of the new CJB headquarters.

11:40 – Magnoliei Square

12:40 – Cazaban Square

13:30 – Nufărul Square + Nufărul Cantemir Corridor

14:30 – Discussion about Nufărul urban regeneration (project in preparation) in Ghibu school area

15:00 – Nufărul Urban Garden Project (project in preparation)

15:30 – Hotel

Please note: This agenda is subject to change.