Public Administration Projects

Agricultural market construction, exterior arrangements, fence, location of outdoor sales units, construction of car and pedestrian access, construction of connections and connections

Funding application submitted through PRNV/2023/14.B/1.
Will be submitted through the North-West Regional Operational Program 2021-2027 – Urban regeneration and security of public spaces – Call for projects no. PRNV/P7/714B/2022.

The established project theme is the construction of an agri-food market, having the ground floor height regime, where the sales areas for traders will be located.
The city of Tășnad wants to improve the quality of infrastructure and facilities commercial units in the city. This approach aims to ensure a process of trade with European standards, equipped with the necessary facilities.

At the local level, Tășnad City is a point of interest for the organization of fairs and markets with constant frequency. The city hall provides the space and conditions necessary for the organization of such events, thus contributing to: development community, local economic development, ensuring physical accessibility and quality services.

The Impact Of PM10 On Air Quality In The Municipality Of Iași And Pollution Prevention Measures


Ensuring air quality assessment and monitoring of quality indicators is regulated by Law no. 104/2011 on ambient air quality, which provides for the air quality assessment to be carried out by measurements at fixed location. Also, based on the air quality assessment, the number, type and location of fixed measurement points and assessed pollutants shall be determined.

Environmental factor: air (PM10 emissions) and the place of sampling: the location of the big intersections in the city.
Through the environmental policy adopted by SALUBRIS Company the aim is to improve the activity in terms of environmental protection, a fact that positively influences the development of the mechanized sanitation of public roads (swept, sprinkled/washed, snow removal) and the development of the digitalization of the operational components of the organization.

Results: In recent years, following the implementation of the project, a significant decrease in the number of exceedances has been observed, falling within the limits imposed by the legislation in the field year after year.

Increasing Urban Mobility In The City Of Tășnad Through The Creation Of The Mobility Corridor In The North-West Direction

The project aims to create a mobility corridor in the northwest direction at the level of the city of Tășnad in order to favor travel at the urban level and to encourage the use of public transport.

The proposed interventions aim to orient the city of Tășnad towards the concept of urban mobility in the context of planning for people by prioritizing means of transport with low emissions.
They also opt for using a bicycle as a means of travel or encouraging the use of public transport.

Through the implementation of the project, it is proposed to increase urban mobility in the City of Tășnad, both for its residents and for tourists, offering all the actors involved, multiple possibilities to explore the tourist resort of national interest.
Financing contract being signed.

Establishment And Arrangement Of The Tășnad Urban Garden

The project “Establishment and development of the Tășnad Urban Garden” arose from the need to create a public space that would bring together members of the local community of different ages.

The most ambitious goal of the project is to offer a change of perspective on the role of nature in a contemporary landscape.
All the works proposed by this project aim to contribute to improving the quality of the green recreational spaces of Tășnad and facilitating free access to sports functions for the inhabitants of the city; Financing contract being signed.

The general objective of the Sustainable Local Development Strategy of Tășnad City for the programming period 2021-2027 subscribe to the NORTH-WEST REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2021-2027.

Increasing Energy Efficiency And Intelligent Energy Management At The Located School Building On Aleea Zorilor Street No. 1C, Tășnad City, Satu Mare County

INCREASING ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND INTELLIGENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT AT THE LOCATED SCHOOL BUILDING ON ALEEA ZORILOR STREET NO. 1C, TĂȘNAD CITY, SATU MARE COUNTY, within the Program regarding increasing energy efficiency and management energy intelligence in public buildings, Administration of the Environmental Fund.

The economic-social development strategy of the city of Tasnad aims to capitalize the potential, opportunities and real availability for development, including the creation of a feasible and sustainable environment, which has as little impact on the environment as possible, with the goal of resource conservation for the next generations.

The status of the project is Application for financing submitted through AFM.

Increase In Energy Efficiency And Intelligent Energy Management At High School Tășnad, The Building At 27 Nicolae Bălcescu Street, In The City Of Tășnad, Satu Mare County

Increase in energy efficiency and intelligent energy management at high school Tășnad, the building at 27 Nicolae Balcescu street, in the city of Tășnad, jud. Satu Mare, with in the Program regarding increasing energy efficiency and intelligent energy management in public buildings, Environmental Fund Administration.

The economic-social development strategy of the city of Tășnad aims to capitalize the potential, opportunities and real availability for development, including the creation of a feasible and sustainable environment, which has as little impact on the environment as possible, with the aim of conservation of resources for future generations.

The general objective of the investment is the repartitioning of certain rooms and energy efficiency of the building with the aim of bringing it to a higher energy class.
Strategic planning is one of the tools that local communities use can use to be sure that the policies and programs forecast correspond citizens’ expectations and sustainable development needs.

The Establishment Of The First Energy Community In Romania And The Transition To Green Energy, Using Renewable Resources, In Buteni Commune, Arad County

Our project, in the beautiful commune of Buteni, Arad, primarily addresses the use of renewable resources, in order to obtain energy independence at the level of the entire community.
Our project, in fact, is a partially voluntary work of the Buteni commune administration, aimed at as many families as possible, using renewable resources, in fact solar energy.

Due to the fact that we are among the largest communities of prosumers, compared to the number of buildings, we have managed to implement up to now 160/170 photovoltaic power plants in the commune, thus these small projects have an impact: economic – the fact that each family has a substantial economy by accessing these projects of 4,500 EUR/family, that is, money was attracted amounting to approximately 800,000 EUR, regional – the fact that we are a model of good practices in the county or region, social – the fact that vulnerable/disadvantaged families are more slightly vulnerable to the price of energy, average – the fact that we reduce CO2 carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 1600 t/year.

Our project was actually 160 smaller projects, and we hope that on 08.10 we will be able to access another 100 projects, in addition to the plants totaling 399 kw/hour – the project won and to be implemented by Buteni Municipality.

Reducing Carbon Emissions In The Municipality Of Alexandria

REDUCTION OF CARBON EMISSIONS IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF ALEXANDRIA, by adopting ecological public transportation and complementary projects supporting the sustainable development of the municipality

Within the investment program Investment Priority 4e, Specific Objective 4.1, those activities were financed which, through an integrated approach, directly contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, gases resulting from motorized road transport.

Through Specific Objective 4.1 of the 2014-2020 ROP, those projects are supported which prove that they have a direct positive impact on the reduction of CO2 equivalent emissions, generated by motorized road transport at the level of county seat municipalities.

The starting point in the identification of these projects was found in the analysis carried out, the directions of action and the measures proposed in the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans, of the county seat municipalities, according to the legal provisions.

Thus, the investment currently being implemented will have a significant major impact, taking into account the optimization of the following parameters:

A. Investments intended to improve public urban passenger transport; the infrastructure used to provide the public passenger transport service; building depots/bus depots related to public transport, including related technical infrastructure; construction/modernization/rehabilitation of public transport stations (tram, trolleybus, bus); creation/modernization/expansion of integrated ticket systems for travelers (“e-tickets” or “e ticketing”);

B. Investments for electric and non-motorized transport – construction/modernization of cycle paths; creation/modernization of bicycle rental systems (“bike-rental”/”bike-sharing”); construction/modernization/expansion of pedestrian and semi-pedestrian areas and routes;

C. Other investments aimed at reducing CO2 emissions in the urban area – creation/modernization/expansion of traffic management systems, including the video monitoring system, as well as other intelligent transport systems (ITS); building “park and ride” transfer parking lots.

The general objective of the project is to increase the number of users of public transport as a result of implementing measures aimed at encouraging the use of alternative transport. By making these investments at the level of the city of Alexandria, it will contribute to: reducing carbon emissions; carrying out campaigns to raise awareness among the population regarding the harmful effect generated by fuel consumption; carrying out campaigns to raise awareness among the population regarding the benefits of cycling; adopting a healthy lifestyle for the population of Alexandria; depollution; creating a traffic management and video surveillance system.

The total value of the project is 91,183,506.14 lei, of which the non-refundable European funding is 89,359,838.96 lei.

The project includes:
Object 1 – Construction of cycle tracks, including bike rental stations, bus stops and traffic management system, including video monitoring system
Object 2 – Construction of Bus Depot and Park & Ride Parking
Object 3 – Modernization of the street pedestrian area Freedom.

Energy Efficiency And Increased Comfort In The Building Of The Home For The Elderly In Alba Iulia

The Home for the elderly in Alba Iulia is dedicated to social services, hosting about 100 seniors on 3 floors, totalizing 6900m2.

Although benefiting from some energy improvements (photovoltaic and solar thermal systems functioning partially and thermal insulation in 2010/2013), the building registered an energy consumption of over 1900 MWh/y (70% natural gas for heating and hot water) being on 3rd place between municipal buildings consumption but without an adequate interior climate necessary for sensitive people.

An “Energy efficiency and increased comfort” project proposed a reduction of over 1100 MWh/ 65% in energy consumption and 140 t CO2 emissions, as well as a favorable indoor climate.

Completed in April 2024, project included for the first time a geothermal reversible heat pump system of 440kW, new heating & cooling distribution, restoration of the solar thermal and PV systems, ventilation with heat recovery in the activity room, condensing boilers and a BEMS automation system. The project is a first in a county with no special geothermal potential, but also in terms of energy efficiency, as the first local municipal building close to the nZEB category.

Promoting Creative Entrepreneurship Through The Development Of The Business Incubator I Grow Oradea Mare

Promoting creative entrepreneurship through the development of the business incubator I grow Oradea Mare.

Creation/development of 1 business incubator.

These programs consist of:

1. Pre-incubation services – the entrepreneur is directly supported in the identification and development of the business idea.
These services include:

  • Evaluation of the potential of the business idea, possibly the innovative potential
  • Training in both general aspects (e.g. management) and more specific ones (e.g. intellectual property)
  • Establishing the business model and developing the business plan, including the financial projections of the business.

2. Incubation services – refers to: specialized training, accounting, legal and financial services, marketing and mentoring services, direct coaching, networking, access to equipped workshop spaces, facilities, utilities, access to reception, secretariat, security, communication, cleaning, buffet.

3. Post-incubation services (acceleration period) – the activities target companies already in the maturity phase, being able to evolve on their own. In this stage, services will be offered such as: support for increasing sales, or improving processes or innovation.


Polycentric Mobility In The Municipality Of Oradea – Magnolia, Cazaban, Nufarului Corridor

Polycentric mobility in the Municipality of Oradea – Magnolia, Cazaban, Nufarului corridor

Project aims to reduce of carbon emissions generated by motorized road transport in the municipality of Oradea by building/modernizing/expanding areas and pedestrian routes and some routes for cyclists in the central areas of the main neighbourhoods in the municipality of Oradea (Nufărul, Iosia and Rogerius).
The project proposes the creation of pedestrian zones, which will offer new opportunities for pedestrians to travel, means of connection to public transport routes, and increased access for use of the existing bicycle paths, at the level of the Municipality. Oradea, Bihor county.

Implemented 2023

Improving Employment In Bihor, Oradea And Other Counties Hajduboszormeny By Developing Infrastructures With Local Potential

Improving employment in Bihor, Oradea and other counties Hajduboszormeny by developing infrastructures with local potential and developing the entrepreneurial and employment infrastructure by creating the Entrepreneurship Center in Oradea, a Mobile Center for supporting local producers in Bihor County and a Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship in Hajdubosz Hungary.

Developing employment and training initiatives on both sides of the border by improving job opportunities and employability.

Implemented 2024

Establishment of Tășnad Industrial Park

ESTABLISHMENT OF TASNAD INDUSTRIAL PARK, Apel de proiecte: PRNV/46/PRNV_P1/OP1/RSO1.3/PRNV_A20, prin Programul Regional NORD- VEST 2021-2027 privind Sprijinirea dezvoltării parcurilor de specializare inteligentă.

The purpose of the proposed investment is to build the infrastructure in order to ensure the utilities necessary for the good functioning of the economic units to be developed within the industrial park. Through this project, it is proposed to build a road that will ensure access to the national road DN 1F (the road that connects the city of Tășnad and the city of Carei), as well as the facility for connecting to the public utility infrastructure: water, sewage, electricity, gas, telephony.

Establishment Of A Multifunctional Center For Children In The City Of Tășnad, Satu Mare County

Inclusion and Social Dignity Program 2021-2027

Access for children and young people to the proposed multifunctional center will be through a paved pedestrian alley with its origin in St. Rozelor of the locality, as well as secondary pedestrian access for people with disabilities through a ramp. Car access for personnel and supplies will be made through a driveway originating in Rozelor Street. Access to the building will be on the ground floor, from the main facade.

The main entrance leads to a reception area provided with a reception area, and the isolator for the epidemiological triage is located in the immediate vicinity of the access to the building, also having a direct access from the outside for the separation of those diagnosed with infectious diseases and their removal from unit. From the access area you reach the main reception hall provided with seating and storage spaces. The main hall will be an open space and will communicate directly with the activity workshops, the multifunctional hall and the sanitary groups for the disabled, separated for staff and for children. In the vicinity of the multifunctional hall are the sanitary facilities.

The unit’s medical cabinet will be equipped with a consultation bed/sofa, stethoscope, blood pressure monitor, emergency device equipped with the necessary medicines and materials.
The medical office can also be used as a space for psychological consultations, depending on the need. Access to the floor level will be achieved through the main staircase and the lifting platform for the disabled. The main hall on the first floor will be an open space and will communicate directly with the access to the vehicular terrace and with a secondary hall connecting the activity workshops and the administrative area. In the vicinity of the secondary hall are the sanitary facilities.

Open Data Infrastructure for Bucharest-Ilfov Region

The project Open Data Infrastructure for Bucharest-Ilfov Region aims to improve the open-data availability related to Bucharest-Ilfov region, by offering free access to some of the internal infrastructure source code and available data at TPBI to the public.

The main needs for such an open – data infrastructure system stems from the push toward digitalization and the goal of providing better information and easier access for citizens and all other stakeholders. Open Data forms the backbone of the next step in digitalizing a modern city, directly linking its citizens to the city itself. This project presents an opportunity to enhance our public IT infrastructure and become more transparent to the public.
The app will allow the analysis of large data sets, offering insights into public transport statistics, such as passenger counts and traffic congestion.

There are three modules in development and testing:
Open-data API for data access, a real-time public transport map and a QR code module for improving the quality of time spent at transport stations in the region.
The source code and documentation will be open-source, allowing public collaboration.
Ultimately this project aims to foster collaboration between public authorities, citizens and also developers, sharing solutions for improving public transport.

Recovering and revalorizing built heritage: a joint effort Case study: Aro-Patria Building, Bucharest


Keywords: seismic hazard, seismic retrofit, energy efficiency, social vulnerabilities, urban strategies, BIM (Building Information Modelling) technologies

  • Giving back historic buildings to the city, to the community
    Built heritage is an essential cultural asset that defines the identity of a city and its community. The historic buildings, squares, monuments or other structures of architectural and cultural interest connect us with the past and give us a sense of continuity. But preserving and capitalizing on this heritage is not an easy task and involves several challenges, especially in a constantly changing world.
  • Challenges: improving seismic behaviour and energy efficiency without losing cultural and architectural heritage, aiming for sustainability
  • Joint effort – people working together: owners, specialists, public administration, public authorities, community

The recovery and revalorization of built heritage cannot be achieved by a single actor, but represents a joint effort. Authorities, specialists and local communities must work together to protect and integrate this heritage into modern urban life. Only in this way we can ensure the preservation of cultural identity and the continuity of the values that define us as a community.

Realization of Photovoltaic Park


Construction of an electricity production capacity from renewable sources for U.A.T.’s self-consumption. The municipality of Reșița, by installing 2 electricity production plants from renewable sources with a total power of 8580 kW.
The general objective of the project consists in the construction of a production capacity of electricity from renewable sources for U.A.T.’s self-consumption (public transport – tram, buses and electric minibuses, public lighting and public administration buildings).